MR. Tawfiqur Rahman


Mr. Tawfiqur Rahman, the founder Chairman of the Group, is a seasoned professional, groomed up with a reputed US Retailer, leading the TM Team of Bangladeshi and Expat Professionals. He is consistently pursuing to realize the ever changing needs and expectations of the customers and translating those into manufacturing people.

Founder of this group used to work In Merchandising Dept. of Sears, Roebuck And Co. Afterward handled Business as a Local Sourcing Agent for Walt Disney and Warner Bros. U.S.A till 1998.

Management Of This Company have lot Of Technical And Merchandising Background on the Apparel Business. “TM Group” would like to work with Major and Reputed Retailers / Importers out Of U.S.A and European Market and accordingly set up Compliance Factory basically For world class Retailers / Importers.

Develop and Under constraction